
The FCFD Cadet Program

The Cadet program was instituted by the Fredericktown Community Fire District as a training program for young men and women, grades 9-12, interested in serving their community and preparing to become active firefighters upon graduation. After graduation and being at least 18 years of age, the Cadet is eligible to attend Firefighter schooling and become a member of the FCFD upon successful completion.

As a Cadet, members serve in a support role for the senior firefighters at actual emergencies as a supplement to a formal training program. The Cadets may attend bi-monthly training drills with the department, and will be required to attend monthly Cadet meetings. The head Cadet Advisor is Captain Shane Smith, he is the primary contact person for the program. Cadets are expected to act in a mature manner and commit to a demanding, extensive, and long-term program.

In training sessions and actual emergency situations, the safety of the Cadets is of paramount concern to the Department. As such, the activities of the Cadet Firefighters are limited in scope and the appointed firefighters on the scene will closely supervise them. The Cadets quickly become an integral part of the firefighting team during emergencies, serving in such important capacities as establishing a water supply, supplying the equipment for interior firefighters, changing air packs, and manning exterior hose lines. It should be understood, however, that despite the training and supervision provided, firefighting is a dangerous activity and serious injury is a possibility. The senior firefighters will make every effort to minimize the Cadets exposure to danger. It is also the responsibility of the Cadets to avoid known hazardous situations.

Due to the inherent dangers of firefighting, strict rules of conduct and tight procedural standards have been established. In an actual emergency, it is essential that all firefighters, including the Cadets, act in a calm and efficient manner. The Cadets are expected to attend training drills and classes to be prepared for the many challenges presented in an emergency situation. Each member is expected to read and understand these requirements and to adhere to the standards. The FCFD and administrative officers are available to discuss any questions.

All members of the Cadet program shall strive to improve themselves through the learning opportunities provided, and at all times shall maintain the highest regard for safety of themselves, fellow Cadets, department members, and the community.