FD Issues clarification

Fire District clarifies KnoxPages article

The Fredericktown Community Fire District is issuing a clarification regarding an October 13 article from online media source Knoxpages.com. Their article regarding township fire contracts also mentions millage from around the county, specifically Fredericktown, which they stated has an “increase on the Nov 3 ballot.”

We would like to clarify that there is no question on the ballot from the Fredericktown Community Fire District asking for an increase in millage for fire protection. The district is however seeking a renewal of our 1mill levy which originated in the year 2001 and is voted on every five-years.

“What we have on the ballot is a renewal only, which would keep our funding the same,” said FCFD Public Information Officer Jason Bostic. “We are very thankful for the continued support of our residents, and strive to maintain that. We are not asking more of those within our fire district and our levy is not new taxes.”

Fire protection services from the FCFD are funded through (2) two, separate one mill levies which date back to 2001 and 2004. The only reason changes were made at that time was due to the Village of Chesterville dropping from our protection area. Otherwise there have been no changes to levies or verbiage for several decades.

Morris Township, an entity which the FCFD provides fire protection for was also mentioned numerous times in the article. Our fire district provides fire protection for those residing in Morris “A”, or the greater part of the northern half of the township. Again, we would reiterate that the FCFD is not requesting any changes to funding levels. Morris “A” has been a part of the FCFD since the creation of the fire district in 1974. They are represented on our fire board by township trustee Dick Kershner.

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